Bryce Kendrick

Bryce Kendrick has studied fungi for more than 50 years, and has authored over 300 mycological publications, including several books.
To check out his curriculum vitae in detail, click here)
He was a Guggenheim Fellow in 1979, and was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada in 1981. He received the 'Distinguished Mycologist' award of the Mycological Society of America in 1995, and was elected a Centenary Fellow of the British Mycological Society in 1996. In May 2001 he was the invited keynote speaker at the Mycological Society of Japan annual meeting in Tokyo, and in June 2001 received the Lawson Medal of the Canadian Botanical Association for lifetime contributions.
Bryce has been invited to lecture at universities in Europe, Australasia, Africa and Asia, as well as all over North America, and is in demand by Mycological and Natural History societies as a guest speaker. His text-book, The Fifth Kingdom, which appeared in its third edition in 2001, has been adopted by many universities and colleges in Canada, the United States, the U.K., France, Italy, New Zealand, China, Australia, Botswana,and South Africa.
Bryce is sometimes available to teach custom-designed courses about fungi. Anyone interested in such courses should E-mail him at bryce@mycolog.comAlthough best known as an authority on fungi, Bryce is a generalist, with a broad spectrum of interests ranging from birds to coral reefs, and he is deeply involved in the environmental movement.
Bryce's research and that of his 25 graduate students has probed many aspects of the fungi -- their systematic relationships, their ecology on land, in the air, and in water, the development of their reproductive structures, the effects of toxic substances on them, their intimate symbiotic associations with plants. All of these topics have also supplied him with teaching material. He has introduced students to the fascinating world of the fungi for 35 years, bringing an exceptionally broad knowledge and a boundless enthusiasm to bear on the subject. His former graduate students can now be found on the faculties of some of the best universities in North America.
Bryce Kendrick believes that if we want an educated public, it is essential to interest children in science. This led to his writing and publishing the inexpensive book, A Young Person's Guide to the Fungi, which has received excellent reviews and should be in every school library. Teachers will find that his other book, The Fifth Kingdom, is a comprehensive, readable and inexpensive reference work on which to base their teaching about the fungi.
He also makes available as teaching aids his comprehensive collection of about 2,000 35 mm colour transparencies, accumulated over 50 years of collecting and travelling. These help teachers to familiarize their students with the fungi, an important Kingdom of fascinating organisms about which most people know very little. The slide listing can be viewed at this web site.