fungi mushrooms mycology the fifth kingdom

A Manual of Concise Descriptions of North American Ectomycorrhizae

This ongoing series is issued in a durable binder which contains nine introductory sections and eight folios:  
The full set costs US$105.00 paid in advance
(CAN$105 within Canada).  
Those who already have some folios may purchase the rest for US$15 per folio (CAN$15 within Canada)  
Send payment to: Mycologue Publications, 8727 Lochside Drive, Sidney, BC, V8L 1M8, Canada

The detailed descriptions which follow the introductory sections consist of colour and black-and-white photographic plates, and text describing morphological, anatomical and DNA characteristics of each mycorrhiza.

Follow the links below to see a sample description and illustrations from the first part of this series:

See the cover, sample illustrations and text!

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